The 2025 Fingerling Festival will take place on Saturday May 3rd, and we’d love for you to join us!
Fingerling Festival
On Saturday, May 3, 2025, from 11 am – 3 pm, the Port Moody Ecological Society invites everyone to attend our annual Fingerling Festival
This iconic environmental festival is the largest of its kind in the Lower Mainland, and provides an opportunity for children (and adults!) to help release thousands of young chum salmon into Noons Creek to help these fish begin their four-year journey at sea.
We invite visitors to the hatchery with its fish-rearing pond and restored wetland. Release salmon fingerlings and speak to amazing ecological, educational and stewardship organizations that help make the Tri-Cities area a healthy, diverse and ecologically sustainable place to live.
Our fun, free environmental festival will be held at our Noons Creek Hatchery and the Port Moody Recreation Centre’s ice rink, located just across the walking bridge at 300 Ioco Road.
BCUOMA (Used Oil)
Mossom Creek Salmon Hatchery
City of Port Moody (Presenting Sponsor)
Coquitlam River Watch
First Nations artist, Shevonne Leigh
Green Channel
Past sponsors have included the City of Port Moody, Pacific Coast Terminals (PCT), Port of Vancouver, Busters Towing, Unmediocre Store, Peller Estates, and the Boddy Family as being tremendous sponsors of this year’s event. THANK YOU!!
Sponsors of the 2024 Fingerling Festival
We need you!
We are seeking over 100 volunteers to make this environmental festival our very best to date. Volunteers must be above 16 years of age or accompanied by a guardian at all times. Please register here. Roles include helping with over 70 environmental organisations and 5,000 visitors, setting up, cooking hot dogs in our food tent, and assisting with the release of salmon into Noons Creek.
Families and groups are encouraged to volunteer, with flexible shifts available. This is a great way to introduce volunteerism to your family.
Environmental groups and artists are invited to apply to attend by clicking here. In the Port Moody Skating Arena, up to 70 organizations provide opportunities for our visitors to learn more about community initiatives and environmental stewardship. The BC Wildlife Foundation, Fraser River Discovery Centre, Northern Spotted Owl Breeding Program, Georgia Straight Alliance, and Oceanwise are just some of the fascinating groups that have participated in the Festival in past years.
Our festival would not be complete without the wonderful prizes at the raffle table, plus the great food from our fundraising hotdog lunch.
Everyone is encouraged to carpool, use public transit or cycle to the festival as this is a green event, and parking is very limited. For additional information, phone the hatchery at 604-469-9106, or call Festival organiser Dave Bennie, at 604-617-1163
In previous years, we have been delighted to host the following exhibitors, many of whom return each year. Please support them as they support us:
Science Made Fun BC / Unique Minds
Seed and Straw fair trade, environmental
Stephanie Kelvistep, Artist