Weekly Volunteering
All volunteers MUST become a member, and be 16 years or older (or accompanied by a guardian) To purchase a membership, please fill out the below volunteer form, and then payment can be made through the donate option below, or in person when you come to volunteer!
We welcome families, individuals, and students in high-school or university to come by Saturdays from 9-11 and help out with fish rearing, hatchery maintenance, and lab work
Memberships are available at all times but please note that they are valid from the third of February (our AGM) of each year. Partial-year memberships are not granted, however if you initially join in October or later, the following year will be included.
Membership Fees:
Annual Student Fee: $5 Annual Individual: $15 Annual Family Membership: $20 Annual Corporate Membership: $150 Lifetime Membership: $150
Active volunteers must be paid members before they can participate in any activity involving the Port Moody Ecological Society. All active volunteers are covered by the Pacific Stream Keeper’s Federation 3rd Party Limited Liability Insurance for PSKF Members.
Event Volunteering
We are currently looking for Volunteers for National Indigenous Peoples Day on June 22nd, Rocky Point Park If this interests you, please contact: Emma Owen: nipdvolunteerportmoody@gmail.com
Want to help out but don’t have the time to volunteer? As a non-profit we accept donations which go 100% towards community events, education, and hatchery and lab operations
1. Strong ongoing volunteer record with environmental service groups
2. Good academic record
3. Career goals which reflect a commitment to the environment
4. Enrolled or plan to enrol in environmental sciences, biology or related field of study
5. Financial need
6. Minimum 100 recorded volunteer hours with the Port Moody Ecological Society, with at least 40% of these hours being outdoor activities
7. Self-motivated attitude and strong ethics
Application Procedure:
Submit a 1-2 page statement to our Scholarship Committee which includes the following:
1. Name, contact information and the education program where you will be enrolled this fall.
2. A summary of your volunteer work at this hatchery and elsewhere including the number of recorded volunteer hours you have done since starting as a volunteer at the Noons Creek Hatchery. These hours can include events that you have attended with us.
3. Any awards, commendations or recognition received.
4. A statement describing what educational program you are presently enrolled in (or will be enrolled in this fall) and why you feel you should receive this bursary.
5. Please enclose a copy of the most recent transcript of your marks (an official transcript is not required)
6. Provide a brief overview of your career plans.
Bursaries & Grants
Bill Nicol and Richard Weldon Haley Bursaries
For many years, Bill Nicol, a long time volunteer, had been collecting bottles and generously donating the deposit funds into a scholarship fund for our volunteers. Sadly, Bill passed away in 2020 – however, he had such a positive impact on the local community that the Society continues to be inundated with these recyclable items for our bursary fundraising. THANK YOU ALL! Through our amazing donators, Bill’s legacy will never be forgotten.
To supplement this, a few years ago the Port Moody Ecological Society received a generous endowment from the estate of Richard Weldon Haley with the instruction to use these funds to establish another bursary. The funds were invested, and the annual interest is included in the Society’s bursary fundraising.
These two bursary funding sources are now combined and we are able to increase, depending upon applicant criteria, both the number of awards each year and the amounts awarded. We have in the past, awarded up to $7,000 to qualified applicant! Get your application in now! That could go a long way to covering education expenses!
The criteria for bursary applications is detailed below. The deadline for applications is June 1st each year. We encourage students who volunteer with us and are currently enrolled in or entering post-secondary education programs in fish/wildlife/environmental or related areas to apply.
Deadline to receive applications: June 1st
The announcement will be made on or before June 30, 2021. Leave your application at the hatchery (addressed to Bursary Committee) or submit by email to portmoodyecologicalsociety@hotmail.com. The successful applicants agree to have their name and photograph used for publicity such as local media, website, and newsletters.